How a Felisi creation is born
When care and precision meet the skilled hands of our craftsmen, a Felisi article comes to life. Since 1973 Felisi has been creating handmade Made in Italy excellences, always selecting the best leathers and taking care of even the smallest detail. This is why Felisi engraves its own brand on each of its creations: a signature that encompasses all of history, tradition, innovation and the constant search for the best materials. But there's more: each item is stamped with a code that identifies the model and year of production to make it unique and inimitable; because it's the details that make the difference and make an accessory yours alone.

Spirit of observation, research and trend are the source that gives life to Felisi creations. An accurate process that starts from moodboards, sketches, sketches, essential to best realize the creative concept.
From the initial idea we proceed to the creation of the first prototype, with which all the details of the product are defined. This phase is the most difficult and demanding, in order for a prototype to be created and become an article for production, it must be studied in detail. The choice of the model and the selection of the material in which to make it, the study of the metalwork suitable for the project, the construction of the product from the idea to its realization are only the beginning of the preparation of the prototype.
Almost all of the materials used are produced in Italy by certified companies that respect the environment. Many materials are exclusive to Felisi, such as the brass parts for which proprietary molds are used.
Material preparation
The selected materials are cut through the use of various tools. Even today we use steel dies to cut small parts of the products, while for processes that require a larger production we use high-tech tools such as automatic cuts. Felisi over the years has managed to maintain craftsmanship while innovating with the most advanced techniques.

The various components are assembled by the skilled hands of our seamstresses. Characteristic of Felisi is the stitching made with saddlery machines. All components in both fabric and leather are assembled. Completely hand-sewn lines are also made. In many models also the brass rivets are positioned manually to give more resistance to the seams.
Each creation undergoes a preliminary check by our operators, who verify every single step during production. The process is concluded by a final check which, in addition to verifying the correct execution of the product, guarantees the perfection of each part of which it is composed, ready to be worn.